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Showing posts from October, 2020

This is the Life

I got peed on yesterday.  Was puked on twice.  I mean it was spit-up, but the babies are eating solid food now, so puke.  I touched poop by accident.  Not mine.  Boogers happened.  Basically, I managed some sort of direct contact with every possible bodily fluid, none of which were my own.  Then I smashed two of the biggest fastest spiders I have yet to meet.  Tarantulas with jetpacks.   I thought about texting Ross to see if he was interested in changing places, but then I remembered he was calling students and their parents.  I'd rather take all of the body fluids, diapers, bottom wipings, and spiders than make one single parent phone call.  Not. My. Jam.   Sometimes it feels like the baby and toddler stage is infinity years long.  I have to remind myself that we will not be wiping bottoms and noses forever...........I take that back.  We will definitely  still be wiping bottoms and noses; they will just be our own.  Ahem.   What I'm saying is, I know these days won't las