Once, when the boys were like two and four, I let them put a couple of dozen stickers all over my face and hair. They liked that I was playing with them, and aside from having to peel stickers off my eyelids and hair later, it was ten minutes of bliss. My job: sit down and have some of my own thoughts while they happily practice peeling and sticking - no fighting, no one asking for food, no bottoms needing to be wiped. I'm in. Yesterday, with four kids all piled on my lap at the same time, I considered using Amazon Prime to get a quick sticker delivery. I needed a minute. You don't realize before having kids, how much they own your body. I mean, there is the whole pregnancy thing, obviously. And nursing. I'm talking in addition to and after all that. I always have a kid or more trying to climb up my legs to be held. If I sit down, sitting next to me isn't close enough. If they can reach my hair...it's go...