Once, when the boys were like two and four, I let them put a couple of dozen stickers all over my face and hair. They liked that I was playing with them, and aside from having to peel stickers off my eyelids and hair later, it was ten minutes of bliss. My job: sit down and have some of my own thoughts while they happily practice peeling and sticking - no fighting, no one asking for food, no bottoms needing to be wiped. I'm in.
Yesterday, with four kids all piled on my lap at the same time, I considered using Amazon Prime to get a quick sticker delivery. I needed a minute.
You don't realize before having kids, how much they own your body. I mean, there is the whole pregnancy thing, obviously. And nursing. I'm talking in addition to and after all that. I always have a kid or more trying to climb up my legs to be held. If I sit down, sitting next to me isn't close enough. If they can reach my hair...it's good I have a tough scalp. It's both endearing and annoying. I love them, I love that they want to be near me. I'm also a frequent victim of claustrophobia.
Sometimes I hide from them. Just for a minute. Unfortunately, they know my hiding spot is the bathroom. Their move: bang against the door until I come out. I need to talk to a contractor about a secret room...
I'll also be needing a secret drawer to hide all the good snacks.
The girls discovered where the snacks are kept. They are all of seventeen months. The boys were at least three years in before they started recognizing the crinkle sound from a bag of crackers...chocolate chips. Who am I trying to kid? I'm not wasting calories on crackers. I go straight for the chocolate. The girls would like to be on the same program. They pulled a bag of cookies off the counter last week when Ross wasn't watching them and dug in like they knew they were going to get caught. Prior to that, they snatched graham crackers from the cupboard and tried to make a getaway with the whole package. We let them keep one. They don't appear guilty at all.
If the boys are active, these girls are trouble. Ross has his work cut out for him. I signed up for two boys.
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