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Showing posts from May, 2022


 Morning wake-up calls are hard.  Emerson rolled into our room the other morning at 6:00am.  Since she was the first kid up, and I wasn't yet prepared to start a new day, I lifted her into the bed beside me.  This isn't usually allowed, but I needed just five more minutes.  And she's cute.  At least she was cute until she started picking her nose on the pillow beside me.  Being a generous two-year-old, she offered me the booger, but I refused it.  She offered it to me again, and I gave her another, "no thank you," so she wiped it on my pillowcase.  The no kids in the bed rule was immediately reinstated.   I need advice.  Our kids are basically professional nose pickers.  I don't know how we got here, but I don't know how to get off this train.  The younger ones think it's funny to walk around with their fingers jammed up to their brains and the older ones don't even realize they are doing it, it's become such a disg...

One and Done

  Whoever thought it was a good idea to sell sippy cups in multi-color packs was a real jerk.  Monochromatic.  All the moms just want one option.  Everyone gets blue!  You're not doing anyone any favors by offering multiple colors or designs on things, and heaven forbid making new and improved versions.  One color. One design. Forever!  That's my winning business formula.  I'd gofundme that.     Along those lines, can somebody explain to me why we can't just have one white sock option?  Why do they make changes?  The sock looked good with the logo written on the toe in red, then it went blue, and now green.  The sock had a solid upper and now it's ribbed.  I can't find a freaking match for anything.  Andddd, the kids can't handle the old socks once they've experienced the new  socks, which makes my options very limited.  Especially when we are short on time.  There are never the right  cl...


 Friends, good friends are hard to find.  When I was in high school, I couldn't comprehend that I might not keep in touch with my cross country teammates throughout our lives.  We spent so much time together and had such a tight bond as a team.   Today, of the fifteen or so runners I was friends with, I keep in regular contact with one.    My current circle of friends, are in the trenches with me.  They are moms of young kids.  And as much as I'd like to have my runner body back, I don't really miss those X-C relationships as much as I thought I would.  Instead of sharing a runner's high, my current circle of friends is sharing carpet cleaners and free range eggs.  I've reached a new level of adulting that I never pictured myself engaged in, but here I am just about killing it.  There is something very satisfying about shampooing your rugs.   My friends really are the best.  I'll send a picture of a mess that has...