Friends, good friends are hard to find. When I was in high school, I couldn't comprehend that I might not keep in touch with my cross country teammates throughout our lives. We spent so much time together and had such a tight bond as a team. Today, of the fifteen or so runners I was friends with, I keep in regular contact with one.
My current circle of friends, are in the trenches with me. They are moms of young kids. And as much as I'd like to have my runner body back, I don't really miss those X-C relationships as much as I thought I would. Instead of sharing a runner's high, my current circle of friends is sharing carpet cleaners and free range eggs. I've reached a new level of adulting that I never pictured myself engaged in, but here I am just about killing it. There is something very satisfying about shampooing your rugs.
My friends really are the best. I'll send a picture of a mess that has sent me over the edge, and they'll counter with, "Hold my La Croix, I can beat that." When they visit, they aren't uptight if the bathroom mirror is covered in toothpaste splatters and the windows are covered with more fingerprints than not. They get it. I appreciate these people. They know me and my faults.
These are the friends that I can laugh with and cry with. Although, they know if they cry in front of me, I'll freeze, stare awkwardly and offer them food. "She's like here, eat this and come look at my garden and please for the love stop crying." That's a direct quote. Like I said, they know me.
If you have a tiny circus living under your roof. You need people. You need to find people if you don't have them already. Join a mom's group. Go introduce yourself to somebody at the park (who has kids with them too...don't be weird). It makes this season so much easier to traverse.
Friends are fun.
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