In the past three months Corona Virus has more or less turned the world on its head. I feel almost guilty for not being more stressed or put out by the whole thing. We have been extremely fortunate.
What we thought was a most impractical move on our part, wound up being a huge blessing. With our two boys and our two newborns, we moved out of our house with no yard in the city limits and into my parents' house in the country while waiting for our new house to be completed. The weekend we moved "quarantine," "social distancing," and "shelter in place" became the new mantra of our state.
What we thought was a most impractical move on our part, wound up being a huge blessing. With our two boys and our two newborns, we moved out of our house with no yard in the city limits and into my parents' house in the country while waiting for our new house to be completed. The weekend we moved "quarantine," "social distancing," and "shelter in place" became the new mantra of our state.
Moving in with my parents meant ten plus acres of play space and two extra able bodied adults to help even out the score with the four kids. Win for the St. Clair's! Unfortunately, my parents are beginning to realize they may have made an error in judgement.
Yesterday, Sawyer gave their cat swimming lessons.
Last week the boys went fishing in grandma's gold fish pond. We now owe her a new fish.
The grandparents used to enjoy a quiet dinner together. Now they enjoy a quiet nothing together. Ever.
Everything is sticky.
The toilet is always clogged (Sawyer has a gift).
The babies NEVER. STOP. CRYING! You're welcome for that background noise.
The boys want to be helpers with everything. They insist on being helpers. Which tends to be most unhelpful.
The boys also give Grammy and Papa a daily wake-up call...around 6:00am...that can range anywhere from a back scratch to a full body beating. It's hard to tell what is coming at you at that hour. Grandma and Grandpa have simply learned to cover and protect all the soft spots. Sorry about that bruised nose, Mom.
My dad is the contractor on the house we are buying. Needless to say, I think the estimated completion time just moved up a month.
Definitely an adventure! Every moment of every day! :-)