Food is my love language. Somebody pointed that out to me once, and I realized immediately that they were correct. I enjoy feeding my family well, and I love treating people to good food. I get giddy talking to people about food, reading about food, growing food, and looking at pictures of other people's food or gardens. I have a cookbook problem. I'm a dutch oven hoarder and a knife snob. And I have an obsession with butter.
When I want to show extra appreciation to my spouse, I cook red meat for dinner.
When I'm not super pleased with my spouse, we eat vegetarian with a side of squash. Then we talk.
I take special interest in remembering people's preferences...unless they are my kids. I love them by making them try all the vegetables and weird things on their plates. It's for their future health (and wives). Because I love them.
Food can change a person's mood. I know this from experience. Ask my sister. I hate the word "hangry," but it's definitely a real thing. Again, ask my sister. It's okay, I'm not throwing her under the bus, she knows. But more than just evening out the ol' blood sugar levels, good food can change the way you feel in such a memorable way. Bad food can too, but we don't need to go there...unless you want to hear about the sickest my dad has ever been....that's a story for another time. Although, if you know my dad, you've probably already heard it. (Sorry, Dad. I couldn't help myself.)
I know not everyone feels this way. Some people just eat to live. But if we were all to put a little more love into what we eat, how we feed ourselves and others, and the food choices we make, is it possible that this world we are gifted to live in, might be made a little bit better too?
Just some food for thought. I'll take mine a' la mode.
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