It's exactly a million degrees outside right now, and even still....sometimes a girl's got to bake. I couldn't silence the retro craving I was having for chocolate revel bars. On the upside, it only took my oven 90 seconds to pre-heat to 350 degrees. It was already two-thirds of the way there. I love chocolate and sweet things. Even in the heat. Speaking of sweet things. These girls have not been. They are spending copious amounts of time in baby jail. We're trying to set them straight early. I wasn't prepared for the fighting to start so young. Or the climbing on basically everything. The newborn stage was mentally exhausting because of the sleep deprivation. This stage is physically exhausting because they are on everything, into everything, and doing it all in two different directions. Also, Carter basically hasn't stopped crying since the day she was born. So there's that. Lor...