I'm on the edge of my seat, waiting for something. I don't know what it is. I feel a strong urge to share our space and to serve others in someway, but I don't know exactly how. We have kids, projects, and obligations, and yet...
I was listening to an interview of Amy Grant the other day and ironically she was saying something similar. She also had a great quote, "The real lesson for me has been to let it come to me because I have wasted a lot of energy throughout my life chasing things that weren't really mine to participate in." That resonates with me. I have jumped into things in hopes of blessing others, but it was at the expense of my own family. I get stressed, and grumpy, and don't give them the time and energy they deserve. So I'm waiting and wondering how God might use us and the blessings we are enjoying.
In the meantime, we are working on a giant garden, egg laying chickens, meat chickens, and whatever else we can put our hand to. The kids are learning so much about growing, foraging, and hunting for food. I hope they eventually learn to enjoy eating the green stuff too. I'm learning patience and how to kill many, many seedlings. Hopefully, I'll learn how to keep a few alive as well. You know the movie line, "If you build it, they will come?" Well, it turns out, if you plant it, they will come too. I'm talking gophers, squirrels, aphids, robins, rabbits, cabbage moths, and all kinds of little vermin. It's a battle. We are winning some and losing many. It's not pretty. Right now the garden is kind of in the homely newborn stage. But the potential is there, and I love it anyway.
It's officially too hot to think. I'm sitting in a sweat puddle and need to rehydrate so I can sweat some more. And when I'm done with that, I guess I'll just hurry-up and keep waiting.
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