Some things just shouldn't be done naked. Let me leave that there for a minute... I erroneously thought our boys had approached the age that they could decipher between acceptable and unacceptable naked activities. In the unacceptable category: tree climbing. Actually, I'm not as surprised as I probably should be that I had to educate our boys on that (potential future grandchildren - you're welcome). They were pretend camping. Their clothes were hanging from the tree branches because frankly, they couldn't fit everything in their backpack, and they didn't want stuff getting full of burrs. I can appreciate that. Also, it didn't work. Their stuff still got full of burrs. But why was a child up the tree naked? It was time to change out of pajamas and into work clothes, of course. Of course. Sometimes I want to get inside their brains, and sometimes I want to stay very, very far away. "Hey...