Some things just shouldn't be done naked.
Let me leave that there for a minute...
I erroneously thought our boys had approached the age that they could decipher between acceptable and unacceptable naked activities. In the unacceptable category: tree climbing.
Actually, I'm not as surprised as I probably should be that I had to educate our boys on that (potential future grandchildren - you're welcome). They were pretend camping. Their clothes were hanging from the tree branches because frankly, they couldn't fit everything in their backpack, and they didn't want stuff getting full of burrs. I can appreciate that. Also, it didn't work. Their stuff still got full of burrs.
But why was a child up the tree naked? It was time to change out of pajamas and into work clothes, of course.
Of course.
Sometimes I want to get inside their brains, and sometimes I want to stay very, very far away.
"Hey, Sawyer, did you know the smallest things on earth are ants, rocks, and dirt?" Fischer asked the other day.
"No, they're not," Sawyer replied, "Atoms are."
At which point I got up from the table because I realized I was out of my league. Nothing left to offer here folks, just walking away...
Sawyer asks questions constantly to fill silence and to try to interact with adults. He really just wants to have a conversation, but he doesn't know how to initiate something. We finally got onto him about asking the same questions over and over because honestly, it's annoying. We started coming back with the line, "That's not a good question, can you think of a better one?" So he's upped his game.
"How does the sun's energy reach the earth? How does a lizards tail grow back? How do Oxygen and sunlight cause a plant to grow? How does electricity power things? Why does our skin grow back after we get cut?" Etc, etc, etc.
Really great questions, kid. Now I have to come up with a new answer because "I don't know" is making me feel self-conscious about how much I really don't know. And he knows he has me. Once again, not smarter than a six-year-old.
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