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It's August. I guess I can stop waiting for that call from the Oregon Department of Education.  It appears I didn't earn teacher of the year after all.  I wonder if it had something to do with my mask policy?

 It definitely could have been the mask policy.  

Personally, I thought the duct tape worked great.  

*Sigh* It was probably the mask policy.  You win some.  You lose some.  Better luck next year.  

Speaking of next year, we are trying a hybrid homeschool program.  Sawyer gets to go to school twice a week and learn at home the other days.  I'm confident he will fall in love with his teacher in the first eight minutes.  She is young, cute and very enthusiastic.  It's going to either make him work really hard or be a complete distraction.  Either way, on the "home" days, I'm going to make her look really good.  Pajama Mama is neither young nor cute and I'm rarely enthusiastic (which may have also played into the whole teacher of the year thing).  Anyway, I have a feeling he is going to love his school days very much.  So am I.       

But what, pray tell, am I supposed to do with boy #2 on those school days?  I'm feeling all out of sorts.  I'm usually referee and rarely entertainer for the older two.  Fischer is going to be flying solo without the Soy.  I'm going to have to remember how to play or he's going to have to learn how to clean.  Maybe we can do both, but I really hope he chooses "clean." 

"Look, Fischer, see how fun dusting is? And after this we sweep!"  I can totally be enthusiastic...totally.  Actually, someone hold my ice cream, I need to watch Mary Poppins again...  

Changes are coming.  We are both excited and a little apprehensive.  Sawyer's excited.  I'm apprehensive.  It turns out, I'm a bit of a control freak.  (If people would just do things my way  the right way to begin with, I wouldn't need to step in.)  I'll keep you posted on how this all plays out.  I have a feeling we are going to get to know the school's director real well.  Wish us luck!


  1. Absolutely love this chapter. You are an amazing writer… so creative and so funny. Love you!

  2. BFG, you are hilarious! Way to take this parenting thing in stride! Love your writing. Can't wait to meet your crazy clan next trip to Oregon.


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