Tomorrow is a transition day at our house. Ross goes back to work tomorrow. If you have ever had kids and are breathing, you probably know what this means. If you don't, then you've probably never yelled at your kid either. It probably never rains on the weekend where you live. And your dog probably poops gold nuggets.
Transition days in our house, are hhhhhard. This time around, I feel a little more prepared because Ross reminded me it was coming. To get in the right mindset, I gave myself a root canal this morning without Novocain, I listened to the first line of "Wheels on the Bus" play on repeat 147 times, I ate a package of saltines without any water, and I dropped a boulder on my foot. I'm feeling like I've got this.
I'm getting up early, taking a shower, and making a strong cup of vodka coffee. I have low expectations set for the entire crew, and if the "gold nuggets" hit the fan, I'm shipping kids off to grandma's. That's right, I'm rewarding their bad behavior 100% in order to maintain their survival. It's parenting 101.
If you're new to this, just know you aren't alone, and the child that you know and love, should return in 24-36hrs. Also, you should probably go ahead and order that Door Dash margarita...
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