I am tired. I have been in the middle of a serious power struggle with some of the humans that live in our house. I have never met two more stubborn, vocal, irrational, angry, needy, hungry, daring, sneaky, opinionated people in my life, and they aren't even politicians.
Whoever said that girls are easier to raise than boys during the toddler years is a big fat liar. I want my money back! They are not easier. I tip my hat to all the parents who managed to raise them into adulthood with even a smidgen of sanity left to tell the tale. I may not get there. I. May. Not.
Our girls are less than two-years-old, and they have already been engaged in more physical brawls than their brothers have in the last five years. It's not the stuff of sissies either. They hit, kick, pinch, claw, bite, and pull hair. It makes the MMA look like child's play.
It's not all bad. They have their moments of "twin magic" as my friend says. They share. They share the snacks they pilfer from the pantry...
They also share poop...it turns out. Em now wears a straight jacket (baby sack - same thing) while napping. This was never a thing for our boys. We put them in clothes. They stayed in clothes until we took them off and put them in other clothes. They did not poop in their beds. They did not pass poop through the crib rails. They were easy. They were predictable.
The boys were sweet and cuddly. The girls hit and scream "no" if you ask to pick them up, but cry and scream if you don't pick them up. It's all very confusing.
We are already husband shopping. These girls are going to need some strong men in their lives. Like as soon as they turn eighteen because I'm already hanging on by the skin of my teeth. *
*Obviously, I'm joking, but I thought I should put it in writing for any weirdos out there.
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