Why do they even make white hand towels? Are you supposed to use them or are they actually just for looks? I think I made a critical error putting my white hand towels out for use. They were white for about twelve minutes. Plus or minus twelve minutes. Apparently, my family uses water and soap to loosen dirt and towels for cleaning dirt off. Apparently. We are a black hand towel family.
Speaking of white things, people who wear white fascinate me. I am not one of those people. It's a mystery to me how they even do it. White pants?! It's like the holy grail. I'm never going to be in the club. Or white shoes...I used to purposefully run my new running shoes through the mud just to take the pressure off. I can't handle it. I like looking at pretty people in all their clean white though and wondering what it is they do all day to make that a reasonable clothing choice. If you're out there, fill me in! Fascinating people.
We are in a stage where we should have painted everything brown, and my clothing should all be the color of gravel dust. This is my current fall palette: granite brown, 3/4 minus gravel dust, and whole wheat flour accents. Don't be jealous.
I've given up on keeping things clean for now. It's fine. I'm just trying to keep the ship from sinking. Check back in when the twins are eleven.
Twins. Have you ever tried having twins? If it's a foreign concept, let me paint a picture for you. (I won't use white.) When they are babies, it is like balancing a cup of boiling water on your head, while carrying two 10lb honeysuckle hams through an active yellowjacket nest...don't spill. We survived that phase, and now they are active and walking, so you just have to switch out the hams for live, greased piglets. It's super easy. Luckily, they are cute. And we are planning on letting them take care of us when we are old; which is better than the original plan of the two boys. They'd probably forget to feed us. Carter, at least, never forgets a meal.
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