"Before you leave, clean up your mess on the table. You just spilled milk everywhere." I was talking to my six-year-old. He responded by lying across the table with his chest to soak up the spill with his shirt. Welcome to my life, and a quick shout out to mom's everywhere. I'm here for you. Really, I am. I had a friend tell me the other day that she loves reading my blog because it makes her kids seem much more normal and mellow. (Although, her daughter was stashing used kitty litter under her dresser, so I don't know...) Kids have their own unique level of crazy. It's comforting to know, we as parents, are in this together. I'm pretty confident that our twins are a special kind of challenging. I'm not sure why that is. My husband must have been a tough toddler because surely they don't take after me. Our most recent evening with the girls went down like this: Emerson was wearing...