Somedays I panic at the idea that our precious offspring are meant to one day fly the coup. Other days I'm tempted to ship them with a one-way ticket to Kalamazoo. Yesterday was panic. Today was Kalamazoo.
"How many different ways can we find to irritate one another?" That was the game the boys chose to play this afternoon. "What else can I destroy?" was the activity the girls opted for. Our house was not tranquil. I was not nurturing. In fact, I was more like a raging Marine sergeant, but without the tidy uniform. I'm not sure it was the right technique, but the boys' room did get cleaned.
The girls, on the other hand, continued their rampage right up until bedtime. They are a different breed of animal. They are also quick to pick up on all the boy's habits. They have recently taken to calling each other "pains" when they are angry. Two-year-olds who can barely form sentences but clearly yell insults at each other...I think we need to redouble our efforts with those two before they get any older. Otherwise, we might need military school after all.
It occurred to me through all of the parenting and disciplining that took place today, that about eight years ago, I thought I was a pretty decent, levelheaded, selfless human being. It's hilarious to me now. When God gave us kids, He showed me that I have a few more faults than I was previously aware of. On the upside, I'm a lot less judgmental than I was four kids ago.
I should also note, that apparently, I really wasn't getting it when we just had two kids. God doubled down with the twins, and I'm starting to see the light. I love our kids more than I can put into words, but I pray daily that I don't need anymore "help" in revealing my weaknesses (and that the doctor tied things up good and tight!).
Life is one twist after another - some good, some bad. At the end of the day, it's all a gift. I wouldn't want to live any other life than this.
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