Our kids have been on fire..fi-ya, this week. They are killing me. In a good way.
Sawyer has been on a sandwich kick. He has this recipe that he is pretty proud of and wants to share it with the world. He made his "famous" sandwich for Ross on Saturday and got many compliments and rave reviews. This fed his confidence and his desire to feed more people. He's thinking about a restaurant in the backyard. On Monday, he made me the sandwich. His recipe includes: bread, mayo, mustard, lettuce, pickles, cheese and black forest ham or turkey. After giving him much applause for his masterpiece, he let me in on the one ingredient you can't replicate: magic. At which point I realized, I should have had him wash his hands before starting.
After Sawyer's magical sandwich, the girls were doing their regular 'I'm not going to sleep' routine. Normally, this would have tried my patience. This time when I went in their room to put them back in bed, I had to hold back my reprimands because Emerson had pooped and actually needed a fresh diaper. I looked around for Carter and found her holding on to the rocking chair for leverage and trying to fill her own diaper. She looked up at me, and I laughed. The pajama pants I had put on her earlier, were now on her head like a night cap. She saw my smile and said, "funny hat??" Yep, Sister, you win.
The next day, was even better. The boys found out that it was the last day of fire season and burn season would commence. They immediately ran into their room and gathered all their fire starting gear - flint and steel, faro rods, long burning matches, tinder, paper scraps, and boxes. They organized it and set it all out like stockings on Christmas Eve. Both of them felt too excited to sleep. Fischer told me he couldn't stop his face from smiling.
This morning they were up shortly after six. We called the burn number at 6:30 and confirmed that it was a burn day, a true Christmas miracle. They could hardly eat breakfast. Fischer kept complaining about how his stomach hurt when he was excited, and the only way to make it stop hurting was to do the thing he was excited about. At 7:23, when it was just light enough to see the yard, I let them loose. Immediately, they had two fires burning in the yard. They came back in for lunch and an hour of school work. I didn't see them again until dinner. Burn day is only second to Christmas in this house.
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