Can you "yell" in sign language? A rabbit trail got me to this question, but now I want to know. What does that look like?
My friend asked the other day if all moms yell at their kids at least on occasion. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm going to go with a hard "yes." If you are that anomaly that has never yelled and your child is over two-years-old, please, come teach us your ways.
I never knew I was a "yeller" until I had a toddler. It was a lot less of an issue when I just had one. It's something I'm working on. Everyday. Especially because two two-year-olds in our house have a zero response rate to a civil tone. Not that they give me many opportunities to correct them...unless they are awake.
In our house, you basically have to yell to be heard. It's not the most relaxing environment. We took Laura Ingalls' "seen and not heard" and changed it to "heard even when not seen." I'm hoping it's just a season, but it appears to be something like eternal winter around here.
At the end of the day my voice is tired and so are my ears. Ross and I only talk to each other in full sentences on weekends.
I'm considering having all the kids learn sign language...which got me to the original question.
Please send earplugs and lozenges.
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