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On My Toes and They're Starting to Hurt

 The girls are continuing to do their best to keep us on our toes.  It's funny later, but in the heat of the moment, whew.  I'm glad God gave us a sense of humor.  

They have recently become obsessed with A) washing dishes and B) the bathroom sink.  Yesterday, I found them washing sippy cups in the bathroom sink.  I can handle the water mess.  It's just water after all...rabbit trail, it was not water on our bathroom floor the other day.  It was definitely pee, and Emerson was the guilty party.  I couldn't be mad because I'm pretty sure she just didn't want to sit on the freezing cold toilet seat.  I understand perfectly.  I've been tempted...never mind.  I've made my stance on heated toilet seats very clear. 

Back to the water mess in the bathroom.  I can handle the water.  The problem is, when I pulled the plug on the sink to drain the water, it didn't drain.  After further investigation, I found an apple slice jammed into the drain, which explained where Carter's snack had disappeared to earlier.  I questioned the girls and explained that was not where food belonged.  They promptly placed the blame on each other and then on their baby dolls, followed by placing said babies in a very lengthy time-out.  

As luck would have it, the babies did not learn their lessons.  Today, I was alerted to running water by Fischer.  I followed the sound into the bathroom and found the girls again, cleaning dishes...and rocks.  When I unplugged the sink, it again failed to drain.  Looking down the hole where the water should be flowing, I found the peel to Emerson's mandarin.  This time the girls received swats and a ban from using the bathroom, which I quickly realized was a mistake as Emerson needed to poop.  Girls 2:Mom 0.  

Because we can't end the day without a little more excitement than that, we also had dinner to contend with.   I have no fight left in me for small children who refuse to eat food.  Ross has taken up that cross.  So with that, we had burritos and smoothies for dinner.  Cherry and persimmon smoothies - weird combination, but it worked.  The girls downed those then wanted nothing to do with the half of a burrito on their plates.  Ross said they could take bites or go to bed.  Carter won the early bedtime award.  While I was reading to her, Emerson evidently hit her limit and came crying into the room, her mouth still full with burrito.  I told her she needed to swallow what was in her mouth.  This made her cry harder, but she tried swallowing anyway.  With a huge gulp of air, she must have inhaled some of the food still in her mouth.  This caused her to gag.  Which caused her to puke.  I saw the first wave coming and was able to quickly grab a rag from where I was sitting and place it under her mouth.  I was not prepared for the next two rounds.  Carter was on my lap, I had a rag full of puke in one hand and couldn't quite reach the trash with the other.  The result: massive quantities of pink smoothie puke on the bedroom carpet.  So fun.  

On the positive side of life, I borrowed a carpet cleaner from my friend last week and had yet to return it.  It is worth its weight in gold.  (Thank you, Aimee!)  Also, after that, the girls went straight to bed without a fight.  So...the glass is half full, I guess.    


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