Let me tell you a little story about what happens when you gloat or become prideful about a thing. You get twins. (I love them.) They have made me reevaluate everything about my early parenting years. I used to think I had some skills. It turns out we just had dumb luck.
I was the newbie mom looking down at other parents with older kids who didn't sleep through the night. They obviously didn't sleep train. I looked down my nose at their struggle instead of being compassionate. Our boys were early risers, but they slept at night. Enter the twins. I can count on my hands the number of times we have slept through the night in the last three years.
Question: How do you teach a three year old to pull up her own covers?!
There was also potty training. Obviously those parents are just pushing it on a kid who isn't ready.; or they must not be consistent. Our boys were ridiculously easy to potty train, and it was definitely our superior parenting skills.
Then we got our girls, and it became clear I have no parenting skills.
This week we were working outside in the garden, and Carter screeched. I looked up to see her standing stock still. She was wet. "Did you pee your pants?" I asked.
"Why didn't you go inside and use the toilet? You're supposed to pee on the toilet."
She deadpanned, "I missed."
Thanks. I see that.
So, we are still working on that skill at the three year mark.
We also have the sass factor. I'd never let a kid talk to me like that. I don't allow it to go unpunished, but that's happening too. Of course it is.
I walked in the girl's room today during naps. They were out of bed playing. I firmly told them to get back in bed. To which Carter firmly responded, "Mom, stop talkin'!"
Who do these people think they are? And help! Somebody! I need all the parenting resources right now! I don't know what happened between the boys and the girls, but I went from Rock Star to Rock Bottom. And I sincerely apologize to all the people back when we just had boys. I know nothing.
Oh my gosh Finn recently told me also “mom just stop talking okay? “ what?! 😆