We aren't raising any natural athletes around here, but we are working on some basic skills. I grew up participating in and loving sports and so did Ross. Plus, the whole PE teacher thing. Needless to say, we definitely see the value in organized sports. But I'm a lazy mom. I don't want to do the taxi cab driver thing. At least not yet. Ross, bless his heart, is a little more motivated.
Ross has been encouraging the boys in wrestling for four seasons. It's been a little rough. The boys don't exactly have what you would call a "competitive nature." Previously, when we have entered them in tournaments they proceeded to executed moves such as "possum," "pick your nose and yawn," and the "smile and wave." This year, we weren't what you'd call "competitive" but there was definitely some improvement. They showed some basic skills and effort.
Currently, the boys are both playing some intro level YMCA basketball. It's perfect - laid back and not very competitive - exactly their speed, and they are having a great time.
Now, baseball is on the horizon. Ross really loves baseball. Tryouts are in a month, so tonight he took the boys outside with their new mitts and baseballs and attempted to work on some catching skills. The girls, of course, couldn't be left out. It was a sight.
Emerson dressed herself for success with a pair of leggings and a skort that she wore with her head and arms through a leg hole and the rest pulled down like a shirt. She put her brother's glove upside down on the wrong hand and was ready to rock Sandlot style. Carter joined them wearing two right handed batting gloves. They love being in the action.
The boys were getting a lesson in catching fly balls. Ross had them throw their baseballs up above their heads then put their gloves up to catch them as they came down. Fischer immediately took one square to the face. At which point, I considered seeing if the chess team had any openings.
It's safe to say we do not hold any aspirations for our children to become professional athletes. It's more likely that they will be wearing the mascot uniform than the varsity uniform, and that's fine. If they learn something about teamwork, perseverance, and sportsmanship, we'll go ahead and call it time well spent.
Go Team!
Love this, my “creative writer” friend!