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Caution: Boys at Play

 We met a group of friends for a playdate/mom date today, but before we left the house Fischer urgently asked me to send one of the mom's a text.  So I did: Can you ask your son to bring his handcuffs today?  After all, how can you play cops and robbers without handcuffs?  At the playdate, we concluded that this is the only phase in their lives where that request isn't weird.  

The kids played hard and loud for two hours.  It was exactly what the doctor ordered after seemingly endless days of snow and rain.  While the kids played, the ladies and I went ahead and solved all the world’s problems.  You're welcome for that.  Then we gathered up our various offspring and headed back to reality.    

Sawyer and Fischer sped through their school work.  The outdoors were calling.  They then had to re-do their school work because speeding doesn't actually get it done faster if you don't do it right.  Life lessons are hard.  

When their teacher (that's me) finally gave them the green light, they were outside in a flash.  Except, then they realized they hadn't eaten in seven minutes and they were actually starving so they came back inside.  I gave them sustenance, and they disappeared.

Once the girls woke up from their glorious naptime, we put on jackets and boots and joined the boys outside.  The boys, we discovered, were digging things again.  It's what they do when they are grounded from knives, fire, bows and have no bb's for their guns.  They weren't just digging though, they were also moving earth, rocks, and bricks to create a dam.  We've had a ton of rain, and it all streams off our hillside and pools at the bottom of our property.  They had taken it upon themselves to widen the stream and build a dam in order to create a lake.  Super.  With two toddlers, we definitely need more water hazards around.  

"Do you know what our lake's name is?" Sawyer asked me.

"Lake Eerie?" I guessed.  

"Dam Lake," Sawyer replied.  "Because we built a dam to make it."

Of course.  

Boys are so practical.  

They are practical, and they have one track minds.  At least that's true of the males in my house.  Fischer wants to build a fire everyday, but he left is flint and steel at his cousins' house, and I'm not letting him loose with a lighter.  That doesn't stop him from asking though.  Every single day.  Multiple times.  He's a little obsessed.  And as I write that I'm beginning to wonder if it's a problem...nah.  Although, today the girls got a cute little wooden doll house from a friend, and he told me, "I look at that and just can't help thinking how well it would burn."  And his brother chimed in, "Yeah, that is really nice, dry wood!"

I think we'll go ahead and lock those lighters up after all...



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