We all need reminders from time to time. In the process of homeschooling two kids part time, while trying to keep four kids out of the ER full time, it's good to be reminded of why we did this to ourselves...I mean, why we chose this lifestyle for our family. Today, was a day of good reminders.
The boys had the larger portion of their school work done by 8:30 this morning. We did some quick clean up around the house, and they headed outside while I baked a quick batch of scones. Friends arrived at 9:45. This is a group of kids we have been having playdates with since Sawyer was three. Playdates are fewer and farther between now, but we are still able to make them happen in the middle of a weekday morning when schedules align. It's a blessing.
The kids immediately began building shelters and outdoor "latrines" (Sawyer's word, not mine). They tracked animals and looked for a place to build a fire if they should be trapped in a snowstorm. Camping gear was collected and brought into their "shelter in the wilderness." Hatchets, handsaws and shovels were all put to work. They came in once for snacks and left with water bottles, extra cheese sticks, pepperoni slices, and a single scone to split between the eight of them. We didn't see them again until we called them down for lunch. They ate and drank and made a bee-line for the door before the moms could ruin their fun.
By the time they left, everyone was tired and muddy but nobody wanted to go. As one of the moms pointed out later, we got very little "school" accomplished today, but "who needs to know anything about fractions when you are learning valuable survivor skills." Fractions aren't going to save you in a snowstorm.
We all value education, but we are grateful for the flexibility to also teach our kids life skills. And if they end up weird, so be it. They are the ones we are going to want on our team when the plane goes down.
Maybe more time cleaning and less time blogging