Summer is cruel. All I want, is to be outside all day and for it to never end. I don't feel like I'm asking too much. Life is just a little sweeter when Ross isn't working away from home and the kids aren't in school. It's not over yet, and we are still living the good life, but our days are numbered. I went grocery shopping the other day and saw Halloween decorations. The writing is on the wall.
We have been making the most of every day. My summer school work aspirations have hardly been achieved, but the kids have been learning and experiencing so much. For example, they have all taken their swimming skills to the next level, and we have learned that Carter is especially fond of the water - so add that to the list of things we have to worry about with her.
Carter has also shown us that she is very proficient at finding keys to the vehicles, and she knows exactly where they should go once in the vehicle. I thought we weren't going to worry about hiding the car keys until she was a teenager, but threenager strikes again. She is our wild and free girl. Lord help us survive her. Luckily, her brothers (whom she idolizes) are on our side because it's going to take all four of us to keep her out of trouble.
The biggest change for our family this summer was purchasing a milk cow. Everyone said it was a crazy idea, so we decided we should probably give it a try. Her name is Jolene, and the kids all think we own a famous cow because there's a song written about her. Someday they are going to understand the meaning behind the "cow song" and realize it was pretty messed up that we all danced around the living room to it. In the meantime, we are enjoying every aspect of our famous cow and all the creamy milk we can possibly consume.
Also, Ross would like people to pipe down on what other things they think might be crazy. He is done with my ideas...for now. Apparently, four kids, egg laying hens, meat chickens, pigs, and a cow are a lot. I've heard good things about camels though. And I think the girls need an upgrade on their ponies, one of them just doesn't look right...
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