Fischer broke his arm a couple of weeks ago. He's totally fine. It was probably more traumatic for the tree. He hit it with his motorcycle and dinged up the bark pretty good. It is now a marked tree. As soon as Fischer's cast comes off, he and Ross are cutting it down. That's what happens when you mess with a St. Clair.
The day Fischer got his cast on he was wearing a shirt with his self-given nickname printed across the chest: Red Hot Fire King of Wheelies. The Dr. was like, "So we'll be seeing you again..."
Fischer is a good sport about being one-armed. It has not slowed him down except for keeping him off of his bike and dirt-bike. He's dying to ride. This next time around, we are going to teach him how to use the brakes...
It's one of those parenting things you learn from experience.......details. On the upside, nobody is breaking down our doors for parenting advice. So we dodged that bullet.
Along the lines of being parent of the year, I was cleaning things in our kitchen today. Hold your applause. We have a drink dispenser for the boys so we don't have to fill water glasses for them all day long (best idea ever). I grabbed it because it needed to be refilled. I was marveling at how the green from the lid managed to reflect in the water at the bottom of the container...until I realized the lid was off. And it was still green at the bottom of the container. Evidently, this is how we build strong immune systems in the St. Clair house. If you ever visit, you may consider bringing your own water bottle. Sorry boys. (But I also saw what you put in your mouths today, so I'm not that sorry.)
Just living the good life over here and kicking butt at this whole parenting thing. Stay tuned.
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