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Three Cheers!

 I ate Robins Eggs for lunch today - not with my lunch but for lunch.  I also brushed my teeth at least four times, so whatever I may have lacked in nutrition, I made up for in fluoride.  Things didn't improve much with dinner.  I fell off the meal plan train.  I made it two days, and then we had hotdogs.  I'm riding high on corn syrup and nitrates.  No wonder why my day has been zero percent productive.   

I feel bad.  But only because my stomach is churning and growling like a garbage disposal, not because I actually feel bad.  My cup is half full...of water because I also drank too much coffee today.  Seriously though, things can only improve from here.  I'm out of hotdogs.  Tomorrow I vow to eat something green (that isn't candy coated).  

Okay, okay, enough about me.  

Here's something funny to change the subject.  Our boys earned a few dollars this weekend selling some of their kindling.  Fischer was anxious to spend his hard earned cash, so he put together a shopping list: Gum, flank steak, and beets.  Unfortunately, his cash didn't stretch that far, so he settled for gum.  

It reminded me of the time I took Sawyer shopping with some money he had earned, and he bought a small ice chest and a crowbar.  He is still getting use out of those purchases, and that was about three years ago - so much better than cheap toys.  Those are choices I can get behind.  

I'm curious to see what our girls will be interested in.  Right now, it's anything the boys are into.  Case in point, I had four kids making turkey calls in the car on the way to school today.  I'm not sure I'm down with that hobby.  Trying to be heard over the top of four yelping hens was a practice in futility.  Unfortunately, nobody seemed to stop for a breath.  I'm still not sure how they managed to coordinate that.  I do know my ears have yet to recover.  It's Ross' proudest moment to date.  I'm kidding...kind of.  

So here's to more vegetables, better spending choices, and less time in the car with kids!  



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