Here is a little glimpse into our lives. Today, I saved Carter from dysentery when she tried to drink water from a stagnant mud puddle. Immediately after that, she tried to rip duct tape off a leach line pipe...with her teeth. Also, I'm not sure if eating wood ash off the hearth or drinking bath water can cause illness, but we will be finding out. I really don't know where we picked this girl up.
Emerson thought playing "dizzy spinner" with a fork in her mouth was a fun game. Don't worry, I intervened before she pierced the back of her throat.
This evening they attempted to climb our bookshelf at the same time. They both managed to get on the second shelf before Ross walked in. I'm not sure if they are heavy enough to tip it over, but he didn't wait to find that out.
Carter learned why standing in a folding lawn chair is a bad idea.
Emerson almost got hit by a can of beans thrown by her sister.
They ran barefoot across broken glass (I'm not sure how they missed it all) and attempted to push through a screen door.
Those were just the major incidents we ran into today. This doesn't include the multiple tools I took away, the attempts to run out of my line of vision, the things they tripped over, holes they fell in, or the times they tried to climb the oven, table, stools, and counters.
Aside from keeping them alive, I have a zero percent productivity rate when they are awake. If we can survive this stage, I think we can survive anything with this crew. Meeting grown twins always gives me hope. It can happen.
In the meantime, sorry to our boys who have to follow weird rules like never stand between mom and one of the girls. And sorry to all of our friends we have neglected for the last twenty-six months. We hope to see you again in 2023!
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