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Jokes On Me

I've been told a lot lately by Sawyer that I just don't get "second grade humor."  He is correct.  He isn't all that funny.  At least not when he's trying to be.  Bodily functions and terrible jokes don't really tickle my sense of humor.  

When neither Ross nor I laughed at his joke the other day, he said, "It's not funny.  I get it," and stalked out of the room.  Now that was funny.  His jokes really are terrible though, and most of the time they don't make sense.  It's fine.  What he lacks in comedy he more than makes up for in confidence.  

"I can cut your hair for you, Dad."


"Just listen, I know how to do it."


"You just use a comb and scissors.  That's how Viola did it in Hank the Cow Dog."

"Just because you read it in a book, doesn't mean you know how to do it.  And Hank the Cow Dog?! No. Not a chance.  Not ever."

"You just need to trust me."


We promptly and emphatically told him he was not to try cutting anyone else's hair either.  I think we ruined his day.  It's something we take great pride in.  

His confidence is great, but we are still trying to harness it.  We have to remind him not to give unsolicited advice to teachers, coaches and professionals.  He's getting better.  He just has so many great ideas, aka: untested theories.  It's a process.  Are we the only ones???

I feel like we are in an awkward phase with him.  We are still enjoying some childhood innocence and naivety, but we are on the precipice of him maturing into the next stage.  His ideas aren't necessarily realistic yet, but he is finding his voice...check that.  The boy has always had a voice and words, so many words.  He is at a point now, however, where he is starting to listen (a new skill) and wants to be included in more mature conversations and discussions.  It's fun to watch this development, but also a touch sad to see the little boy in him growing up.  

On that note, he doesn't want me to kiss his cheeks anymore.  I'm not okay.  Luckily, his little brother told me I can kiss his cheeks twice when Sawyer doesn't let me give him a kiss goodnight.  It's a good compromise, but I'm not sure I'm ready to relinquish that privilege quite so easily.            


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