I feel like a poser. I'm working hard at doing this whole "adult" thing, but I'm pretty sure I'm over-aged to be this under qualified.
I wonder why they teach Geometry, World Lit., Biology, Global Studies, and Physical Education in school, but they don't offer a class called Real Life. I know a lot of 'real life' is integrated into these other classes, and you're supposed to glean life lessons alongside right angles, but I think I needed Captain Obvious Real Life as a core class in high school. And because we are all idiots in high school, it needed to be offered again in college. Maybe you weren't an idiot, but I certainly was, and I feel like some of that never wore off.
As a kid, I thought adults had it all figured out. They were beyond the insecurities and self consciousness of youth, they knew exactly what to do in any situation, and how to handle themselves. Small talk wasn't a problem. Matching clothing came naturally. Parenting was second nature. And they were accustomed to being "old" because that's what they were. It didn't dawn on me that they were experiencing anything new...ever. Silly me.
A class would have been nice. Hey kids, when you're an adult - you will be older versions of yourself. So you better learn how to budget, keep little humans alive, figure out your hair, feed yourself, buy insurance, set up a retirement, stretch, and take care of those annoying face hairs. Why didn't ANYONE warn me about the face hairs!
I still have A LOT of adult stuff to figure out. Send help. And don't forget the coffee.
I wonder why they teach Geometry, World Lit., Biology, Global Studies, and Physical Education in school, but they don't offer a class called Real Life. I know a lot of 'real life' is integrated into these other classes, and you're supposed to glean life lessons alongside right angles, but I think I needed Captain Obvious Real Life as a core class in high school. And because we are all idiots in high school, it needed to be offered again in college. Maybe you weren't an idiot, but I certainly was, and I feel like some of that never wore off.
As a kid, I thought adults had it all figured out. They were beyond the insecurities and self consciousness of youth, they knew exactly what to do in any situation, and how to handle themselves. Small talk wasn't a problem. Matching clothing came naturally. Parenting was second nature. And they were accustomed to being "old" because that's what they were. It didn't dawn on me that they were experiencing anything new...ever. Silly me.
A class would have been nice. Hey kids, when you're an adult - you will be older versions of yourself. So you better learn how to budget, keep little humans alive, figure out your hair, feed yourself, buy insurance, set up a retirement, stretch, and take care of those annoying face hairs. Why didn't ANYONE warn me about the face hairs!
I still have A LOT of adult stuff to figure out. Send help. And don't forget the coffee.
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