I'm. So. Tired. Not like the 'I've been working hard and am exhausted' kind of tired. This is the 'I'm an eight to nine hour girl getting four to six non-continuous hours for two months straight and I can't focus on your words or keep my eyes from crossing and definitely shouldn't be driving' kind of tired. So tired that I can't make simple sentences or remember words, I forgot how to make oatmeal (I've only made it every morning for the last ten years), I mixed up the twins...more than once, and I put lotion on my toothbrush...
What I'm saying is, I should be napping right now instead of writing this because all four kids are in bed resting, if not sleeping. But who has time for that? Besides, oh there it is, as soon as I even think about sleep, the twins start crying...and just on cue both are letting me know they can hear my thoughts. Silly me. (Seriously though, how do they know?!)
I have an appreciation for twin parents that I never had before. I feel like I should bring them flowers or trophies. Maybe merit badges would be appropriate. How did they do it? The fact that so many twins and their parents are alive and well, gives me hope. I wonder if they'd like to show me how it's done...for a week or two. You know, for old times sake. Anyone???
I know, I know: it's temporary, they are such a blessing, enjoy it because it goes by fast. Yes. Yes to all of those things people say. But friends, I had to give up ice cream for these girls. And I love them, so here I sit in my dairy free world, but if this doesn't pass soon...if I don't get to either have milk in my coffee or sleep at night in the VERY near future, I'm going to lose my ever loving mind! That is all.
Send help...and coffee.
What I'm saying is, I should be napping right now instead of writing this because all four kids are in bed resting, if not sleeping. But who has time for that? Besides, oh there it is, as soon as I even think about sleep, the twins start crying...and just on cue both are letting me know they can hear my thoughts. Silly me. (Seriously though, how do they know?!)
I have an appreciation for twin parents that I never had before. I feel like I should bring them flowers or trophies. Maybe merit badges would be appropriate. How did they do it? The fact that so many twins and their parents are alive and well, gives me hope. I wonder if they'd like to show me how it's done...for a week or two. You know, for old times sake. Anyone???
I know, I know: it's temporary, they are such a blessing, enjoy it because it goes by fast. Yes. Yes to all of those things people say. But friends, I had to give up ice cream for these girls. And I love them, so here I sit in my dairy free world, but if this doesn't pass soon...if I don't get to either have milk in my coffee or sleep at night in the VERY near future, I'm going to lose my ever loving mind! That is all.
Send help...and coffee.
Auntie Brooke is sooo willing to come give you a break!! xoxo!