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Bare Necessities

When does modesty set in for boys?  Or at least the inkling of modesty?  Asking for a friend.

This has never been an issue for our least not when they are sleeping.  The rest of the time it's pretty much a crap-shoot whether or not they are wearing an appropriate amount of clothing.

My friend's son is a full year younger than Sawyer and he has started getting dressed in the bathroom for privacy.  I'm hoping he's just advanced for his age because Sawyer just got busted the other night dancing naked in front of our living room window.  When Ross asked him what he was doing he said, "I don't know, Dad.  I'm just a wild man."
Touché, son, but maybe we could be a little less public about it.  

In the same vein, our boys do their bathroom business naked with the bathroom door wide open.  TMI?  Sorry, not sorry.  I asked Sawyer once why he strips down, and he said it was so that he didn't get his clothes messy.  Like, what exactly are you doing in there that might get your shirt messy?  And socks?!  I assume this is just a boy thing, but I don't know.  I've never been one.

In any case, I am looking forward to the day when the post-bath celebration dance includes...clothes.  As I've told my husband countless times, there comes an age when it's just not cute anymore.......

**husband note: that age has not yet arrived for her husband...


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