We have had a day of it. I can't complain, it could have been a lot worse, but I am ready for bed and a fresh start tomorrow.
Ross was working on fixing the chimney so our woodstove stops filling our house with smoke. It was a job he was prepared to swear his way through, but a friend was able to come and help and it wasn't raining, so he was staying pretty positive.
Just before his friend was set to arrive, we inventoried the pipe pieces. My parents picked them up for us while they were in Medford, saving us a lot of time and driving. Not all of the pieces were there. Ross called his friend to cancel their work date, right as the guy pulled up the driveway. Still no swearing. Ross called the woodstove shop, talked to a man, figured out what happened and left for Medford in the vehicle I usually drive.
On his way home, he broke down on the freeway.
We were grateful it was his day off, and we hadn't made any plans, it was a belt that he can fix himself, and it wasn't me driving solo with a car full of kids.
The kids and I went to pick-up Ross. They were saints in the car. That hasn't happened in a week of driving.
Getting a tow-truck through our insurance wound up being another unforeseen obstacle. But I now have a very nice new friend named Sophia, in Indiana. Her kids were sledding today. She seems fun. I think we could hang out if we ever end up in the same state. Indiana sounds cold.
Our boys were "baptizing" themselves in puddles when I got off the phone. Luckily, we have that outside shower set-up. Also, they were listening, kind of, when I tried to explain what baptizing meant earlier in the week.
When a tow-truck was finally available, it was almost dinner time. We had left the Yukon on the shoulder of the freeway. The company policy was that somebody had to be there for the pick-up. I went. Ross was still working on the chimney. It's not done, but it's coming together better than he anticipated.
Abby's Pizza cooked dinner and there were very few dishes.
All in all, we had an unexpectedly decent sort of day with a lot of silver linings.
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