I was never been the biggest fan of venison. It was something I'd eat, but nothing I got excited about. No longer. Today, I look forward to the next plate of deer steak I can sink my teeth into. Retribution!
The stinking deer are driving me insane. I can grow n-o-t-h-i-n-g! Nothing. I despise them, and they taunt me. The game's about to change. I'm going to eat them all! Actually, I'm just going to build a really tall fence. But I'm going to get a lot of satisfaction out of the next venison roast as well.
They have no sense of boundaries. My parsley that I just babied back to life was practically inside our house when it got mowed back down to stubble. I'm seriously ready to throw punches. And I could, because they don't even budge when I come running after them. I get the sideways, "what's the crazy lady up to now" look, and that's about it. The boys give me the same look, so I had to give up chasing them with sticks while in my pajamas and muck boots. I don't want to scare the children.
Deer and turkeys. We have access to plenty of protein, but no vegetables. That's not exactly what I had in mind when I determined we should grow more of our own food. The boys are happy with that, but I need some greens in my life. I wouldn't mind a flower or two either.
The garden fence is on the horizon, and I can hardly wait. I got a trailer load of horse manure delivered today. I seriously went to bed dreaming about it...for the last two nights. I'm not ashamed. Forget diamonds, the way to this girl's heart is a load of horse poop and some good dirt. Bonus points for worms. But seriously, do you know how much dirt you could get with a diamond? I'm having dirty thoughts. Heh. Heh. Heh. Sorry, I'm sorry. It just came out.
I'm growing way too many starts, and if a fraction of what I plant survives, I'm going to have way too much produce. I may be looking to re-home some plants in the near future. Stay tuned. However, if things go south, I'm going to become a meatetarian.
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