Why is it, when you leave town for a weekend, it takes an entire week to get caught up on laundry and housework? I don't understand. It's one of the cruel mysteries of the universe. It's right up there with the missing socks - which I always thought was some joke until I started doing my own laundry. Jokes on me...actually, jokes on the universe because I just started wearing miss-matched socks like a boss. I can totally pull it off...here in my own house. Mostly, because I am the boss. (Shhh, don't tell Ross.) Like he doesn't know. Ha! I must have put my sassy pants on today. I didn't realize they came in sweats. Well, this is good news. Now I can be sassy and comfortable. This past weekend I could not be comfortable in my own pants because I was too far north. Has anyone else had this happen: you get dressed and feel like you look pretty decent, then you head toward ...