Why is it, when you leave town for a weekend, it takes an entire week to get caught up on laundry and housework? I don't understand. It's one of the cruel mysteries of the universe. It's right up there with the missing socks - which I always thought was some joke until I started doing my own laundry. Jokes on me...actually, jokes on the universe because I just started wearing miss-matched socks like a boss. I can totally pull it off...here in my own house. Mostly, because I am the boss. (Shhh, don't tell Ross.)
Like he doesn't know. Ha!
I must have put my sassy pants on today. I didn't realize they came in sweats. Well, this is good news. Now I can be sassy and comfortable.
This past weekend I could not be comfortable in my own pants because I was too far north. Has anyone else had this happen: you get dressed and feel like you look pretty decent, then you head toward the city - any city. The closer you get, the frumpier you feel? I never care too much about my wardrobe until I pass Eugene. Salem gets me a little more self-conscious. Anything within twenty-five miles of Portland has me wishing I could have a wardrobe stylist and someone who can do something with my hair. And my face. Plus my shoes feel awkward. And my purse is suddenly needing cleaned. Every. Single. Time. I just avoid mirrors until I start heading south again. It's a lot cheaper than the alternative.
I went north to see my niece play basketball. My sister and I joke that we are sister-wives because when we are together, people can't tell us apart. We look alike more than my twins do. Her husband just rolls with it. This weekend I went with him to the games and my sister stayed home with the younger kids so we could actually watch without distractions. It was super nice, except for all of the parents "she" ignored while I was there. My favorite thing is to make her next interaction with people as awkward as possible. I'm such a blessing.
It's fine. I cleaned her side of the room so often growing up and talked her to sleep basically every night. She's really just lucky to have me. She's also a really fabulous resource for everything gardening. Look her up! On Facebook it's all under the #growyourownfood (she's the one that looks like me!), and I'm going to convince her to get on Instagram, so stay tuned.
Love your blogs. Please send me a pic of you and Shae!!!