Most of the time, I feel pretty confident in my capabilities with the twins and taking them places - even when I'm flying solo. We had to bow out of a few activities around the holidays that seemed like a recipe for disaster, but there's not too much we won't at least try to do. The problem is, I started getting cocky about it. That never ends well. The universe has a way of dealing with unmerited pride: Get back in line, girl!
I took the kids to the library today. In my head, it was going to be a really cool mom way to end the week. And come on, books! Our kids love books! Books are good for our kids. Win for everyone. What could possibly go wrong?
Our girls didn't nap today. The red flag should have already been waving. On our second try, we made it into the library building with all five of us properly dressed and wearing shoes.
Are libraries still supposed to be quiet spaces? It's been awhile since I have really spent time in a public library. It may be awhile before I'm allowed back. For the eight minutes and thirty-seven seconds that we were inside, everyone - and I mean everyone knew that we were there. The entire time.
The girls made a game of escaping down opposite aisles, pulling books as they went. If I picked one up, she screamed. If I put her down, she ran. I tried showing them picture books, and they tried showing me all the books that were still on the shelf. Librarians, if you are out there, I am really sorry. The twenty-two books that you will have to reshelf, that was us. I don't know if you're supposed to leave them on the floor...
It was bad. It was worse than this. If you were there, you would have laughed or walked away in shock. Carter was like a child possessed. She knew she was being naughty because I reprimanded her, but that just made her more aggressive. She was swiping down whole shelves of books!
We left. Well, I left, sweating bullets with a girl screaming and squirming under each arm. Forget a face mask, I was wishing I had on a balaclava and sunglasses. The boys stayed long enough to check out their books. It was the shortest library experience of their indecisive lives and may be the last for a very long time. Now they have our names.
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