Our boys would like to cordially invite everyone they know to our house for a pizza party. Pizza to be followed by a performance that they will be starring in.
The performance will include tree acrobatics and songs about war. We aren't sure what the lyrics are yet, but they are guaranteed to be inspiring. They are also guaranteed to be sung out of key and fairly monotone, although the hand motions will certainly help.
The seating arrangements are pieces of playground equipment we have yet to assemble (don't judge me Becca), and the cost for adults is $3. Kids are free and are also welcome to join in the performance.
Those are all the details I have at this time. I have viewed several rehearsals, however, and the tree acrobatics are stunning. Especially, when Fischer wears his hand-me-down pink snow boots, skinny jeans and a t-shirt. The combination adds drama to the overall performance. Mostly because the boots like to get stuck in the tree branches.
Actually, one "trick" went pretty poorly yesterday. I was bathing the girls and heard Sawyer panic yelling at his brother. I looked out the window to see him hanging upside down from the tree by one foot. He was close enough to the ground that he wasn't going to break his neck, but I was worried about that foot. I yanked the girls out of the tub, pulled the drain and ran outside. After yelling to Fischer to go inside with the girls, I raced across the muddy backyard in my socks, and scooped him up, dislodging his foot from the tree at the same time. I started carrying him toward the house because I still didn't know if he was hurt, but I also had two wet naked babies to think about. He was so shocked that he didn't know what to say at first. Either that or he was worried he was going to be in trouble.
He finally let me know he was mostly just scared, and I set him down. Then I found out the "panic" yelling was because his brother was trying to help dislodge his foot, and he just wanted me. So he was yelling "Get Mom, Dork!" Had I known, I might have left him there until the girls were dried off and dressed.
In the meantime, Carter was streaking through the living room and Emerson peed in the hallway.
Tickets can be purchased on Ticketmaster.
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