Social skills weren't my strong suit leading up to COVID, and the limited social time during the last two years hasn't done me any favors. Sorry general public, I'm not reading your social cues. And I need to apologize for yesterday.
Yesterday, I dropped my son off in his classroom and a mom approached me. I was surprised because I only know a couple of the other moms, and although I'd met this woman twice, I couldn't tell you her name. She took me by surprise when she asked if my kids collected Pokémon cards. I may have been a little too quick to answer with a definitive, "no!" At that point she began to explain that she had just bought some for her kids, and they loved them. She wanted to see if there was a group of kids at the school they could kind of hook up with.
At this point, I should have realized she was reaching out, trying to find a commonality for our kids, and that she bought the cards and started her kids' interest in Pokémon. I didn't.
I continued to denounce Pokémon and the trend of trading cards as something I was trying to avoid if I could at all help it. So smooth. So kind. So like me to make someone feel comfortable. Not awkward for her or demeaning or back to middle school at all.
What was actually happening in my head was, more cards to keep track of and another thing to learn about?...I can't, I can't, I can't.
She started to walk away, then her daughter said something to her that was a little shocking, and before I could stop myself, I laughed. It wasn't a laughable moment. It was a, "I should pretend like I didn't hear that and let the mom handle it" moment. Too late. She heard me. Everyone heard me. I died.
We shall never be friends.
I quickly left. Heading toward home, I merged onto the freeway and shortly after got flipped off by a woman in an SUV. I doubt that it was her, but if it was, it was entirely justified.
Don't be me. Forget Karen. Don't be a Bobbi. Or a boobie. Either way.
If you are the lady with the Pokémon cards, I am going to become a Pokémon fan just for you.
Pokémon for life!
I'm lying. I can't, I just can't do it. But if you're reading this, I really am so, so sorry. And now I will crawl back into my hole.
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