I doubt I'm the only one staying awake far later than I should just to enjoy some uninterrupted thoughts of my own.
(And parents of small children everywhere said, "amen!")
It's a season of death to self by a thousand interruptions. You literally have no head space of your own until the kids are tucked into bed for the night. If you are an adult and you think your parents are crazy, it's probably true. And you probably did it to them. Sorry, Mom. Sorry, Dad. (They're only a little crazy though, and it was probably my siblings' fault. I was the middle child, so I'm the favorite. Haha! I'm working on so many brownie points here. I'm going to get phone calls.)
Quick, change the subject.
Last night, I lay awake thinking about all the garden mulch and horse manure I was going to get to move today. I’m told, normal people don’t get this excited about dirt. That’s too bad.
Now that we have a huge garden space, I get equally excited about seeds. I went and bought way too many seeds this winter. So much for that clothing budget. Sorry kids, hand-me-downs for another year!
I’m in full garden mode, in way over my head, and don’t care even a little. I'm craving green things. And my own thoughts. But I'll settle for plants.
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