I didn't completely freak out today when I caught one of the girls sucking down toothpaste like it was a Go-Gurt. I think I'm growing up. Or becoming desensitized to "gross." It's not like she didn't already use her brother's toothbrush...which has spent half of it's life on the bathroom floor. It's fine. We've already had every sickness. We are just working on rebuilding healthy immune systems.
I'm not trying to raise filthy animals, but I'm not doing a very good job of not raising filthy animals. We recently discovered a shocking lack of soap use by the boys. We are now very specific when we tell them to wash-up for meals.
"Boys, wash your hands, with soap and water, and dry them on a towel before you come and eat." Sometimes we have to repeat the details...twice, but we are getting there.
We are still working on the niceties' of using napkins instead of clothing and tissues instead of hands or sleeves. Clean underwear everyday is still a novelty. "Changing is the worst!" They told me today. They recently erased their booger wall (thank you Magic Erasers!) and are becoming better at hygiene basics day by day. I didn't realize when I signed up for this parenting gig, exactly how purposeful and specific we would have to be about each aspect of keeping oneself clean.
Come to think of it, there are a lot of things I didn't realize.
There, that could be the topic of a book: What you Didn't Know, You Didn't Know. And the kids could write it because by the time they are about six, they know everything already...Maybe that's just my kids.
Speaking of being a know-it-all, my five-year-old told me yesterday that even though they are grounded right now from hoses (long story), he wasn't worried because I'd forget soon anyway. Say what?! The time I put him in timeout and forgot about him, is coming back to haunt me.
My point is, even if we look like we have it together, even if we appear clean on the outside, it's possible we are still wearing the same undies we had on two days ago; we are all just a work in progress.
Keep the faith.
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