It's always risky to take a shower while the children are loose...unsupervised. I walked out of the bathroom the other morning to be met by one three-year-old in her underwear wielding a hammer and a badminton racket while the other three-year-old was covered from fingertip to forehead in Smokey the Bear stamps. I gave them the only logical response in that moment, "Out of my room, please." And locked the door. After a five minute pause, I reentered their world to learn that the tennis racket and hammer were for destroying monsters. Naturally. The stamps? She just wanted them. The big brothers? They made their exit as soon as they heard me coming. Kids are infinitely unpredictable. The boys are treasure hunters as of late. Fischer's prize: rocks. He is confident he will discover gold, but in the meantime, pretty rocks are a close second. He found some real gems the other day...